A downloadable TUNING OUT

đŸŽ™ïž Sometimes life doesn't go the way we want đŸ“»

Enter Holden, a young husky at a crossroads. After failing out of college, he must now decide what he wants to do. While he would have liked the support of his boyfriend, the ups and downs of his couple have led him to question the very foundations of his relationship with Roy, the boyfriend he's known since kindergarten. Nothing is simple, and Holden, whose self-esteem is at an all-time low, no longer knows where he belongs.

So, to escape these thoughts and melancholy, Holden and his sister treat themselves to three days away from the university, away from the family and... Away from his relationship?

đŸŽ” Two possible paths: Discover Nabot's pretty sprites and Dana's accidental typos in two different routes totaling 25k words!

đŸŽ” Living well is the best revenge: explore Holden's relationships and shake your screen in frustration at this fat noodle's questionable choices.

đŸŽ” A VR mode, a karaoke mode and a large-scale MMORPG mode are available in a third secret route, which can be unlocked by paying the two authors of this VN one million euros (maybe not. Don't do this, our lawyer would skin us alive)

đŸŽ™ïž Parfois la vie ne prend pas les chemins que l’on souhaitait đŸ“» 

Entrez dans la peau de Holden, un jeune husky Ă  la croisĂ©e des chemins. AprĂšs avoir Ă©chouĂ© Ă  l'universitĂ©, il doit maintenant dĂ©cider ce qu’il souhaite faire. S’il aurait aimĂ© le soutien de son petit ami, les alĂ©as de sa vie de couple le pousse Ă  douter des fondements mĂȘme de sa relation avec Roy, son petit ami qu’il connaĂźt depuis la maternelle. Rien n’est simple et Holden, au plus bas dans son estime personnelle, ne sait plus oĂč se trouve sa place. 

Alors, pour Ă©chapper Ă  ces rĂ©flexions et Ă  la mĂ©lancholie, Holden et sa sƓur s’offrent trois jours loin de l’universitĂ©, loin de la famille et… Loin de son couple ?

đŸŽ” Deux routes possibles : DĂ©couvrez les jolis sprites de Nabot et les typos accidentelles de Dana dans deux routes diffĂ©rentes totalisant 25k mots !

đŸŽ” Bien vivre est la meilleure vengeance : explorez les relations d’Holden et secouez votre Ă©cran de frustration face aux choix questionnables de cette grosse nouille.

đŸŽ” Un mode VR, un mode karaokĂ© et un mode MMORPG Ă  grande Ă©chelle sont disponibles dans une troisiĂšme route secrĂšte qu’il est possible de dĂ©bloquer en payant les deux auteurs de ce VN Ă  hauteur d’un million d’euros(Peut-ĂȘtre pas. Notre service juridique nous intime d'indiquer qu'il s'agit d'une blague.)

Release date May 29, 2024
Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars
(20 total ratings)
GenreVisual Novel, Interactive Fiction
Made withRen'Py
Tagsenglish, francais, Furry, LGBT, Multiple Endings, Narrative, Romance, Story Rich
Average sessionA few seconds
LanguagesEnglish, French


tuning.out-1.1.apk 167 MB
TUNING_OUT-1.1-mac.zip 154 MB
TUNING_OUT-1.1-pc.zip 160 MB

Development log


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I was going to uninstall this for room on my itch.io app on my computer but maybe I should keep it for the long run 5 stars


cute! i love how much depth there is for how short the actual storyline is, and i would call this a prime example of accomplishing a whole lot with only very little to work from. great job, you two!

i especially appreciate the treatment of roy's abusive behaviour: he is neither romanticized/given a redemptive angle ('he's really a good person deep  down') nor caricatured ('muahaha, he is so evil') in the narration, but instead provides a realistic view into some of the traits and dangers most common in emotional manipulation. most times, the traits aren't as overt as fiction depicts them, and they really can tend to be as subtle and hot-and-cold as they are here. while holden's choices offer the reader the option to follow after him if they so choose, no narrative aspect strives to paint an embellished image of him, and this is what i am appreciative of. may inexperienced readers draw lessons from this story, so that they don't have to learn the bitter lessons that an actual emotionally-manipulative partner will teach instead.


Thank you for your nice review ! ✹

We hope you liked the Felix path as much as the Roy path ! We'll try to do even better next time


the felix route was worth its weight in gold, and i cherished every moment of it. i didnt follow the roy route to the very end, because ive already had my fill of partners like that irl, so i ditched him at the last moment lmao

It really do be like that sometimes 😊

Thanks a lot for playing

HelloI'm coming to ask if I can translate your work into Chinese.It will not be used for commercial purposes.Just to share your fantastic work with more furry-loving people.I'm looking forward to getting a reply from you .


Hello !

I don't know without getting more details ! Do you have a website or a place where you display your translations ?

I guess a lot of creators are wary of your propositions, no one wants to be scammed

Have a great day ✹

Deleted 233 days ago

Actually,I've been involved in the translation of Remember the flowers,9:22,Psychic Connections and Layers of Stardust.Then I posted the translated version on the QQ channel.And... for some reason, some information is not readily available, so if you have Discord or Telegram, please let me know and I'll talk to you further!

Oh, I forgot to add that I also post translated videos on Bilibili.

Ok, you are free to do any translations you want for TUNING OUT, just don't forget to mention credits !
If you need to contact me, I am on discord, just search for a Dana on the discord server Furry Paradise
Have a nice day !

OK,I'm really glad you agree,thanks

I forgot to do this weeks ago but here is the Superlative Voting Form for anyone that is interested: https://forms.gle/gwZW4U4Dvgae4RWs8

Superlative Voting ends when the Jam Voting Ends.

(1 edit) (+1)

A masterpiece, for a vn made for a game jam, it’s really impressive! Both story and art are astonishing. Good job đŸ„ł


Thanks :) That means a lot


Best multiple branches FVN of the may wolf I read so far, lots to discover about the characters. With multiple endings ! 

Thanks a lot ❀